Thursday, November 29, 2007
Incredibly, Mitt Romney, former Governor of Mass. answered, "We don't want to find ourselves with regards to our food supply in the same kind of position we're in with regards to our energy supply. . . ." So he supported farm supports.
Let me get this straight, Mitt. The reason we import around 11 million barrels of oil a day out of the 20 million that we use is because we DON'T SUBSIDIZE ENERGY SUFFICIENTLY????
That's completely insane for two big reasons. First, we subsidize energy enormously. Second, and MUCH more important, this has precisely NOTHING to do with why we import so much of our energy.
Debates are rarely enlightening, and often contain lies and silliness, but this is truly extreme.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I talk politics and policy a lot with my friend Andrew. Andrew, you see, is just about always right. I can't count the number of times I've discussed an issue with someone and told them, "well, that's really my friend Andrew's idea." Anyway, I figured if I started a blog and of course gave credit to him when it was due I'd have the best of all worlds. I'd be fully honest in stating when an idea wasn't mine, my readers would think I was being falsely modest, and I'd get credit for his great ideas while having been totally honest!
So that's the backdrop. I've often said that Andrew is wrong about as often as one sees a flying pink unicorn. Well, when we discuss middle east policy, we do actually disagree now and again, and whenever he said something I thought was just totally wrong in an e-mail, I would respond, "well, I just looked outside my office window, and don't you know, a beautiful pink unicorn just flew by." Hence the name...
I analogize to a High School prom, from the perspective of a High School boy. I wrote this in January 2007, but it still holds.
As things stand, I intend to (with LITTLE enthusiasm) to vote for Hillary in both the primary and the general. Its the prom, I want to go, and she wants to go with me. She's the neighbor's daughter, I've known her for years (decades). She's reasonably cute, and socially adept, and won't embarrass me. Sure, she's calculating and crass, and only wants to take me to the prom b/c its to her advantage. But Edwards is hideous, stupid, and would embarrass me no end, Obama is only in 7th grade, she's just to young for me to go with (maybe in 4 years, maybe), and all the others except Bill Richardson have their own SERIOUS flaws. Richardson actually makes sense, but, in the end, I don't think she'll actually last all the way to the dance. Now the girl I REALLY wanna bring is Al Gore. She's gorgeous, the Captain of the Cheerleading team, very smart, cares deeply about the local and national environment, and she's sure to be elected homecoming queen, if she'd only go to the prom. Oh, and she's HOT! I'd LOVE to walk in the room with her on my shoulder. Just imagine the ego boost! But she's off running around promoting her movie, some big concert or something, and not showing many signs of wanting to go to the prom. Oh, she bats her eyelashes at the idea now and then, but she's showing no signs of wanting to go. She hasn't bought a dress, isn't even planning to be in town on the day of the prom, and every time I mention it to her, she says, "I don't think I'm going. I haven't completely ruled it out." So do I wait around for Al, or do I go with Hillary, who is quite clear that she wants to go with me? Well, I want to go, and Hillary won't embarrass me, or even close (she'll make a good president, despite her MANY flaws), so I'll go with Hillary. Now if Gore calls me the day of the prom and says she wants to go, I'll dump Hillary like a sack of potatoes, for Gore! I LOVE YOU AL.